Many visitors, employers and parents often comment that you can recognise a Brymore boy. We take pride in working with and developing the person as a whole by encouraging our own three ‘R’s –Responsibility, Resourcefulness and Resilience. So we do believe it is possible to recognise a Brymore boy because:
He is self confident and takes pride in his appearance
He is responsible and can appreciate the significance for himself and for others of his own actions
He is resilient and can deal adequately with challenges and disappointment
He is resourceful and can perform a range of tasks without direct supervision
He upholds our ethos – Diligentia et labore- and is not afraid of hard work
He can greet strangers in a welcoming manner
He opens doors for others
He is fit and healthy and recognises the value of exercise for both body and mind
He shows awareness of the world beyond his own
He is open and honest
He holds strong opinions but listens to others
He volunteers and is happy to help
He develops a range of skills that will serve him throughout life
How is this achieved?
Through good old fashioned values, re-enforced in a daily assembly and high expectations of behaviour
Through the community spirit generated by living and working in a boarding environment
By helping run the school when completing farm and garden duties and assisting at key school events
By gaining experience through positions of responsibility, such as Heads of Department, prefects, senior students, sports captains and representing others via the student council
By acting as an ambassador when representing the school at events and sporting competitions including the Harvest Festival, Christmas Carol Concert, Sports Day, Swimming Gala and the schools Open Day.
Through the reward that hard work and commitment brings and the expectation that the Chads Hill run and a fitness session are completed each week
By using a range of teaching styles and learning experiences, both within lessons and during extra – curricular activities
Through hands-on use of machinery and equipment from tractors to workshop tools and by working with animals and having due regard for their safety and welfare
Through the exposure to a wide range of activities, designed to broaden horizons as well as develop skills
By living in, working in, and caring for, an unspoilt natural environment
By taking pride in others’ success as well his own
By pursuing academic and vocational studies side-by-side