Student Leadership

Developing responsibility is a key element of the ethos of Brymore and this is reflected in the opportunities for student leadership. These include:

Position Responsibility
Head Boy Ambassador of the school, representing the school at key events, leading all prefects. Selected via presentation to the whole school, interview, staff and student vote.
Deputy Head Boy(x2) Ambassador of the school. Overseeing duty teams and student welfare, and standing in for the Head Boy as appropriate. Selected via presentation to the whole school, interview, staff and student vote.
Senior prefects (x 7) Ambassador of the school. Six oversee a duty team of prefects, and one oversees mentoring. Selected via presentation to the whole school, interview, staff and student vote.
Prefects Ambassador of the school. Carry out duties as directed by the Senior prefects. Selected via staff vote, and discussion with Senior prefects.
Head of department Oversees a duty team in either the farm or gardens. Selected by interview.
House captain Ensures all house events run smoothly, and that the house is fully represented. Selected by staff and students.
Form captain Represents the form, selected by students.
Student council representative Represents the boarding house, other students including outboarders and their year group at student council meetings. Chosen via student vote.
Head of the student council Chairs meetings, prepares agendas and represents the student body. Chosen by student vote (student council members only)
Sports captain Represents either his house or school team. Chosen by staff.
Mentors Older students who can help younger students settle in or with specific issues. Overseen by the Deputy Head Boy. Chosen by Deputy Head Boy and House parents.
Guides/School representatives All students have the chance to represent the school as guides for visitors, helping out at key events(such as open day), assisting with car parking or meeting and greeting visitors as required.

Our student council is made up of representatives from each year group and can be emailed: