
Attendance is a key part of your son’s ability to succeed and reach their full potential whilst studying at Brymore.

Please can parents/carers ensure an absence is reported to the school office via the ‘My Ed’ app messaging absence hotline or dedicated phone line on 01278 652369 option 0 by 8.15am and explaining the reason. This enables us to keep records up to date and helps alleviate the fear of missing children.

It is appreciated if parents should try to make all medical appointments outside of school hours wherever possible, but we know that sometimes this is not the case. Where appointments during school time are unavoidable, your son should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment. Please inform the office in advance of any planned appointments.

It is the aim of Brymore Academy that our boys should enjoy learning, experience success and realise their full potential. Our Attendance Policy reflects this and recognises that regular attendance has a positive effect on the motivation and attainment of the boys.

There is significant academic research which shows that attendance directly affects the grades that learners achieve, therefore Brymore expects all students to achieve 95% attendance during an academic year. Every effort should be made to attend school and if your child cannot attend then please contact us.

Term Time Request Form

Attendance Policy

Guidance on home schooling