Monthly Archives: August 2012
Safeguarding report (May 2010)
Students enjoy coming to school and have positive attitudes to learning. Observation evidence in lessons and around the school shows that most students behave very well. Students are positive about the experiences of Brymore when asked in questionnaires and a significant majority report they feel safe at school. Students’ attitudes are very mature. They are reflective of why they enjoy learning at Brymore and some are in no doubt that … Continue Reading
Armed service Careers Service
We would like to express how impressed we were with the impeccable behaviour and effort of your students during their recent visit to the army’s Colerne Challenge.
Deputy Principal Academies (Bicton College)
I am writing to thank you for welcoming me on my visit to Brymore. I was impressed by the welcome I received from staff and students alike. I was struck by the students passion for their school and their sense of belonging and pride in what they do. They are certainly being well prepared not only for industry, but for life in general.
Parent testimonial (Day boy – Year 12 2012)
Since being at Brymore our son’s confidence has gone off the scale. Although being a day boy, who could come home at 4 o’clock every day if he is not on duty, he seldom ever does choosing instead to take part in all after school activities every evening, normally not leaving school until after 9 o’clock.I think what sums up a true Brymore boy is that no matter what is … Continue Reading
Headmaster (Millfield School)
I just wanted to write a brief note to point out the very positive comments that have been forwarded to me about the Brymore boys who played at Millfied on Saturday. I received an e-mail from one of my Houseparents who made the point that the Brymore boys went out of their way to talk to staff, thanking them for ‘a lovely meal’. It seems that your boys have done … Continue Reading
Parent testimonial (Year 10 2012)
I am just writing to say how well my son has settled into Brymore. The change in him in just half a term is a credit to your teaching and pastoral staff. His confidence levels have grown considerably and he is the happiest he has been in school. We certainly feel that our decision (and his) to send him to Brymore is the right one, the distance in travelling is … Continue Reading
Comment from a supply teacher (2012)
All boys were on their best behaviour today and fell free to pass on that they engaged with their cover work superbly. Support staff were well respected- that’s welcome! The atmosphere around the place was superb – orderly and purposeful. politeness seemed to abound – the Brymore Boy is not an imagination – well done everyone. Staff were helpful all along – thank you.
Parent testimonial (Year 11 leaver 2012)
I think some of the things that make a school like Brymore work so well for boys like our son is the structure and the discipline, as you know, he was diagnosed with Aspergers towards the end of his time at his previous school. We had been told by staff that he would never manage more than 1 or 2 GCSE`s and he would be lucky to get those. However his … Continue Reading
Parent testimonial (Year 11 leaver 2011)
Had it not been for the ‘games and a bowl of stew night’ at a friend’s house, we might never have heard of the name ‘Brymore’. But comparing Cluedo tactics with prior Brymore parents that night proved to be the trigger to the most important turning point in our eldest son’s life … so far! Having suffered the indignity of the local ‘sausage factory’ secondary school where he discovered that … Continue Reading
Parent testimonial (Year 11 leaver 2011)
Since first visiting Brymore, we were struck by the way it was described by boys, staff, parents and old boys … they all talked about it with a passion. Now, with our son in his third year, we understand that passion, and wish to pass on our own experiences of Brymore to others. Brymore has given our son the chance to flourish:- to grow in self-confidence, self-motivation and self-respect … … Continue Reading