Boarding at Brymore is a fantastic and vibrant community in which boys learn to succeed and develop as an individual. When your son joins Brymore, he will be at the heart of our experienced and caring boarding team, with each of the three boarding houses being run by a Houseparent assisted by a team of support staff, including a Pastoral Manager, and Matrons and the whole of boarding is overseen by the Head of Boarding and the Deputy Head of Boarding. The house team monitors all aspects of the boys progress throughout their schooling and will liaise with you closely during this time. All boarders benefit from supervised study periods each evening in which to do their prep, giving them the opportunity to seek guidance when required. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of all the extra-curricular activities that are offered at Brymore, from Blacksmithing and engineering to a wide range of sporting activities – there is something for everyone.
We are able to accommodate up to 150 boarders aged 11-17 in our three boarding houses, Kemp, Reid and School House. We are delighted by the profound sense of family and loyalty that the boys show towards their houses and extended boarding family. We are continually striving to make Kemp, Reid and School houses a genuine ‘home away from home’ and feel proud of our success in this ambition.
As a state boarding school, parents pay only for the accommodation and supervision of their children at Brymore, with educational costs met by the Local Authority. With support from the government and the trustees, the school continues to make huge strides and offers the quality of education and facilities more often associated with independent schools. Considering the exceptional experience enjoyed by boarders at Brymore, we also believe that Boarding represents outstanding value for money and our fees are approximately one third of those that might be charged in a comparable independent school.