Year 12 Parent (2015)

Dear Mr Thomas

It has been 4 years since we first met and you agreed to take my son in to Brymore.

I would like to say a few thank you’s in writing for taking my very frustrated and failing 13 year old son and turning him into a young man who is nearly standing on his own 2 feet

The PE teacher – for tirelessly challenging him to get into the first team rugby squad-his grandfather was very proud to see him get a certificate for achieving that massive milestone

The English teacher – for believing that he could pass his English GCSE and actually achieving the impossible of a D-and therefore entry to College

The Ski Leader – for taking him skiing every year-this is especially important to him as he can, for a short time, be one of the best performers amongst his peer group when he is on a pair of skis

Lastly, the biggest thank you goes to his Houseparent -he has been unbelievable. He has kept him out of trouble-getting him out of bed-given him responsibility-helped him with homework -even climbed trees with him at college-the list is endless

All with the tireless aim of helping him achieve and build his self-esteem so that he can be independent one day

In Summary, Brymore is un-paralleled in its ability to inspire both staff and pupils to achieve what would otherwise be called ‘ludicrous ambition’ in a normal environment