Brymore’s class of 2015 have truly proved themselves to be the most successful year group yet. Not only did they match last year’s efforts, with outstanding levels of progress in English and truly outstanding results in Design Technology, Agriculture and Horticulture but this year group have surpassed previous years, achieving the highest percentage of 5A*-C grades, including English and Maths in the school’s history – more than doubling last year’s. They also achieved an unprecedented number of A grades and A*s in Maths, where results have soared to 60%, making it likely that the department will improve on last year’s achievement of being in the top 15% of Maths departments nationally, and are now likely to rank even higher. Last year’s excellent Science grades were maintained, with a marked increase in other areas, such as Art – up to 80% C grade and above and PE, whose results have more than doubled on last year. Mr Thomas said ‘What makes us so proud of these boys in particular, is knowing that their ability profile is no different from previous years – and yet they have done so well. As ever, they have proved that if you work hard and expect more, you achieve more. I’d like to thank the dedicated staff in each area who have worked tirelessly with the boys both in school and out of school, in the evenings and at weekends to ensure that they got the best possible grades they could. It truly has been a team effort’.
Special congratulations go to Bertie Mountford, who aside from being Deputy Head boy managed to achieve a string of A grades and Distinctions in many areas. He is joined in this achievement by Taylar Weatherby, who achieved A*s in DT and Maths, with an A in Science and Distinctions in Horticulture and Engineering. Boys did particularly well in History this year, with a number achieving A grades for the first time, including Arthur Chandler, who also achieved As in DT and Maths, with Distinctions in Horticulture and Engineering. Yet what makes Brymore unique is the incredible achievements made by all the boys, regardless of ability. Several students made more than 5 levels of progress to achieve C grade and above across a range of subjects, this is a tribute to their hard work and determination to succeed. Such boys include Daniel Holter-Hovind, Will Sully, Rob Kerr, Elliott Reed, Will Rhodes, Harry Hanse, Aaron Hold, Silas Lawson (who also achieved an A in DT and a B grade in English), Chris Tipper and many more. Mr Thomas concludes ‘We are truly proud of all the boys in this year group and wish them every success and happiness in future’.